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AtomicKotlinCourse/Power Tools/Property Delegation Tools/Exercise 2/task.md

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Property Delegation Tools (#2)

The starter code defines a data class called Flag containing a Boolean called b with a default value of false. In main(), create three vars: d of type Double, s of type String and f of type Flag, all delegated to notNull(). For d and f, use explicit type declarations but for s use a type parameter for notNull().

Using capture from atomictest, try reading from d, s and f before they are initialized and validate the output using atomictest.eq. Then set d to 1.1, s to "yes" and f to Flag(true) and use eq to verify that they all take on the new values.

This task doesn't contain automatic tests, so it's always marked as "Correct" when you run "Check". Please compare your solution with the one provided!