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AtomicKotlinCourse/Power Tools/Extension Lambdas/Exercise 1/task.md

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Extension Lambdas (#1)

Define the following functions so they behave the same as their standard library counterparts:

  • createString() behaves like buildString(). Start by creating a new instance of StringBuilder, call the extension lambda argument on it, then return the String result.

  • createList() behaves like buildList(). This function has one generic parameter. Create an ArrayList<T>, call the extension lambda argument on it, and return a read-only List.

  • createMap() behaves like buildMap(). This function has two generic parameters. Create a HashMap<K, V>, call the extension lambda argument on it, and return a read-only Map.

The code in main() tests your functions against the standard library versions. Notice that buildList() and buildMap() infer their generic parameters.

This task doesn't contain automatic tests, so it's always marked as "Correct" when you run "Check". Please compare your solution with the one provided!