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AtomicKotlinCourse/Introduction to Objects/Constraining Visibility/Exercise 1/task.md

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Constraining Visibility (#1)

Create an Alien class with a constructor that initializes public val name and public val species properties. Add a private var planet property initialized by the constructor. planet can be modified with the movePlanet() member function. movePlanet() takes the planet the Alien is moving to as its parameter. All properties and parameters are of type String. Override toString() to return the name, species and planet in the format "Alien $name, $species: $planet".

In main(), create two Aliens and move them from an origin planet to a destination planet, testing them using toString() along with the data:

name species Origin Destination
Arthricia Cat Person PurgePlanet Earth C-137
Dale Giant Gearworld Parblesnops

Note that a val property is safe to access directly as a public property rather than making it private.