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AtomicKotlinCourse/Introduction to Objects/Maps/Exercise 4/task.md

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Mastering the IDE: Column Selection Mode

When you need to perform the same editing operation on multiple lines, you can use multiple carets.

Call the action Column Selection Mode or press &shortcut:EditorToggleColumnMode;. You can also choose Edit | Column Selection Mode in the application menu. Press the same shortcut to disable the mode.

In Column Selection Mode, you can add more carets by moving the caret one line up or down while selecting text. Do this by pressing &shortcut:EditorUpWithSelection; or &shortcut:EditorDownWithSelection;.

As an exercise, swap the keys and values in a map (transforming it from Map<Int, String> to Map<String, Int>). Select the three lines specifying the map contents and switch to Column Selection Mode. Note that you now have several carets. Navigate to the beginning of a line, to the end of a line, or to the end of the word to see how these operations are applied to all the carets in all lines.