package sequencesExercise5 import org.junit.Assert import org.junit.FixMethodOrder import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters import util.TIMEOUT abstract class TestSchool { private val instructors = ('A'..'D') .map { it to Instructor("Instructor-$it") } .toMap() protected fun inst(c: Char) = instructors.getValue(c) private val students = (1..7) .map { it to Student("Student-$it") } .toMap() protected fun st(i: Int) = students.getValue(i) protected fun lsn(instructor: Char, vararg students: Int) = Lesson(inst(instructor), { st(it) }.toSet(), mapOf()) protected fun schl(lessons: List) = School(instructors.values.toSet(), students.values.toSet(), lessons.asSequence()) } @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) class TestSequencesExercise5 : TestSchool() { private fun checkInstructorsWithLargestClass( schoolLessons: List, instructors: List ) { Assert.assertEquals("Wrong result for $schoolLessons:", { inst(it) }.toSet(), schl(schoolLessons).instructorsWithLargestClass()) } @Test(timeout = TIMEOUT) fun test1() { checkInstructorsWithLargestClass(listOf(lsn('A', 1)), listOf('A')) } @Test(timeout = TIMEOUT) fun test2() { checkInstructorsWithLargestClass(listOf(lsn('A', 1, 2, 3), lsn('B', 1, 2)), listOf('A')) } @Test(timeout = TIMEOUT) fun test3() { checkInstructorsWithLargestClass(listOf(lsn('A', 1, 2, 3), lsn('B', 1, 2, 3)), listOf('A', 'B')) } @Test(timeout = TIMEOUT) fun test4() { checkInstructorsWithLargestClass(listOf( lsn('A', 1), lsn('B', 3), lsn('A', 1, 2), lsn('C', 3, 4) ), listOf('A', 'C')) } @Test(timeout = TIMEOUT) fun test5() { checkInstructorsWithLargestClass(listOf( lsn('A', 1, 2, 3, 4), lsn('B', 1, 2, 3), lsn('A', 1), lsn('B', 2, 3, 5) ), listOf('A')) } @Test(timeout = TIMEOUT) fun test6() { checkInstructorsWithLargestClass(listOf( lsn('A', 1, 2, 3), lsn('C', 1), lsn('B', 2, 3), lsn('A', 4), lsn('C', 1, 3) ), listOf('A')) } }